Worship: First Sunday of Advent

Union Presbyterian Church 719 Avenue F, Fort Madison

The First Sunday of Advent begins a brand-new Church Year! Contrary to popular belief, Advent is not “Christmas Junior” or “Christmas Lite.”  Advent is its own season, as distinct from […]

Advent Worship

Union Presbyterian Church 719 Avenue F, Fort Madison

Advent is a season that looks forward to the Second Coming (Second Advent) of Christ while also looking back to the time before Christ was born, to those who longed […]

Advent Vespers (Online)

UPC’s YouTube Channel

Join us on our YouTube Channel for special Vespers (Evening Prayer, a.k.a. Evensong) services for the season of Advent. Vepsers is a centuries-old way of praying together, combining Psalms, Canticles, […]